The year 2021 was strong year for us. Our rapid adjustment to the 2020 crisis provided a good basis for solid development in the Group’s business in 2021.
Demand for electric passenger vehicles – both fully electric cars and plugin hybrids – continued to grow strongly in 2021.
Last year we kept growing too. In November 2021, Veho acquired the Mercedes-Benz-related operations of Domenikss SIA, the general distributor of Daimler AG in Latvia. And in December, Veho Group signed an agreement with Mercedes-Benz Sverige AB under which the Group will take over distribution of Mercedes-Benz trucks and spare parts in Sweden.
In the year 2021 we continued to focus on sustainable mobility: for over a decade, sustainable actions have been our first and foremost driver forward.
One of our most important objectives is to make sure that our Group level operations are carbon neutral by 2025.
“At this point, it is hard to predict what is going to happen during the next months – to the civilians, to the global economy, or to the automobile industry. I am however sure, that together with our exceptionally motivated and enthusiastic people and customers, we will reach our goals. Together we will continue to move people and goods sustainably – now and in the future” says Juha Ruotsalainen, Veho Group CEO and President.