"Although I began in accounting, I quickly realized it wasn't my passion, so I switched to HR and made it my career," Kaie shares.
For Kaie, the role of HR in the overall strategy and success of companies is crucial, lending support to companies´ purpose and goals.
As Head of HRD, Kaie plans to focus on Veho’s journey towards becoming a truly global company. The way Kaie sees it, this journey will hinge on good people.
“We don´t do business with companies. We do business with people. Business is always human”, she says, quoting leadership expert and author Simon Sinek. “By the same token, I see Veho as employer that feels like home, with practical, focused people that are easy to work with. It is Veho's responsibility to hire the right people that fit into the company culture. After all, it is people that keep people at Veho.”
In addition to hiring the right people, Kaie is convinced that a company's success, especially for larger groups like Veho, relies on the establishment of a robust foundation of values and culture. She stresses the need for deliberate efforts to design and nurture such principles.
“Based on my experience, it´s the choice of the company either to consciously design and foster their values and culture, or they evolve by themselves. My observation has been that the latter option rarely leads to good outcomes.”
The people, the culture, and thirdly the management make up the successful company. Kaie believes that people-centric disposition is nothing short of a necessary characteristic for the management.
“We become leaders the day we decide to help people grow, not numbers,” Kaie says, again quoting Sinek. “We in HR can really support our leaders in giving these opportunities to Veho people. By the same token, I am happy that our CEO is a really people-oriented person. That makes our work at HR easier.”