Marcello Can, lives his dream which consists of spending time with his family, traveling, training and working, both at the family business and with us at Veho Bil. "I work very hard because I love what I do," says Marcello and his high sales figures say something about the fact that he has a passion for his profession. In 2021, Marcello sold over 300 new Mercedes cars and 2022 looks to be at least as good a year. He has already sold over 200 new cars during the first quarter and with that, broke the sales record for most cars sold in the Nordic region.
Why is Marcello so good at selling cars? “Well”, he says in a humble voice, “It’s all about passion and working hard”
“I also work at my father's restaurant and where it’s a high pace with a high level of service. And that has given me valuable tools that I bring to when selling cars. You have to learn to read customers and always come well prepared.”
Another contributing factor to his success is that he thrives so well at work and really dares to perform at the top. “Together you are much stronger. In my opinion, high work ethic is the most important thing in my role here at Veho Bil. ”
When Marcello started at Veho Bil, it was as a receptionist in the summer of 2016. A summer job before he would start studying to be an accountant in the autumn. But Veho Bil did not really want to let go of Marcello, who at the same time felt that life on Smista Allé was too exciting. He stayed, and a few years later started as a salesperson for Mercedes cars. "6 years later and I'm still at the company and thriving."
Marcello has stayed at Veho Bil for so many years mainly due to the good atmosphere and his colleagues. “The best thing about my workplace is my colleagues. A nice working environment and atmosphere. We can both laugh and perform at the highest level.”
A lot will change in the car industry and the title salesperson will also change. Marcello's observation is that the salesperson's role will not be "as much sales" but more as a guiding person who helps customers to find the right deal. There is a lot left to learn and explore and to a future colleague he greets "welcome to Sweden's best workplace.