Adhering to our sustainability principles and Code of Conduct is everyone’s responsibility. Each Veho employee and partner should report both detected and suspected breaches of our principles. The Fair Play whistleblowing channel provides all Veho’s employees and stakeholders the opportunity to report activities that go against our principles, in confidence and anonymously. The Fair Play channel has been in use in Finland for years, and it was introduced in other Veho countries in December 2021. The channel is offered by an external partner, Whistle B.
Infractions of our principles that can be reported through the channel include:
We take reports that come through the Fair Play channel seriously, and we handle the reports with a third party. We encourage our employees and partners to first discuss the matter with a manager or another Veho representative. If this is not possible, we recommend using the Fair Play channel. An individual can file a report without concrete evidence or complete certainty of the event taking place; it is enough that the individual has a justifiably suspicion of an infraction occurring, and the report is made in good faith. If it arises that the individual has made a report purposefully based on false information, Veho will manage this according to standard HR procedures. Based on legislation, the subject of a false report might be entitled to compensation.
Veho does not accept any retribution towards individuals who use the channel to report detected or suspected breaches and will not try and discourage or stop anyone from reporting information. The notification processing and follow-up process has been designed to ensure a reliable and impartial settlement. Each incoming report is processed and cleared according to the same process.